Brazil | The Scout Law in accordance with the Jewish Law
For many decades the 1st article of the Scout Law in Brazil was a translated and adapted version that read “The Scout is trustworthy and his/her honour is worth more than his/her life”.
As you all know according to the Jewish principles, life is more valuable than anything – G-d gave it to us and only Him can take it. Therefore there was an incongruence on the official Scout values for Jewish Scouts.
After a very tough process that started two years ago and involved several instances of the National Scout Organization, on the last weekend the National Assembly, the most important decision making body of the União dos Escoteiros do Brasil (Brazilian NSO) approved the new text, that becomes: “The Scout is honored and trustworthy.”
The initiative and all the efforts were led by the young leader Rudi Solon from Avanhandava Jewish Scout Group from São Paulo.