Happy Chanuka from Prague!
From the Czech Jewish Scout Troop Tuvia based in Prague.

Amos Ilani 1938-2018
Dear fellow Scouts and friends,
It is with great sorrow…

Renaissance of Litvak Scouting — Shabbat in the Woods, August 24-26
50 future scouts, senior scouts and madrichim coming from all…

European Scout Interreligious Forum (ESIF) — 1st Gathering & Launch Event | Antwerp
What can I say? 65 people, 12+ countries, 7 different faiths…

Alexandros Modiano (Greece) and Ruth Ouazana (France) received the Nachshon Fellowship Award.
The Nachshon Fellowship recognizes individuals worldwide who…

Chag Sameach!
Greetings from EEIF Irena Sendler group of Pavillons-sous-Bois…

David Marks received the Nachshon Fellowhip Award
Congratulations to David Marks in being recognised for his outstanding…

European Interreligious Forum | Meeting in Roma
The European Interreligious Forum met in Roma from 31st March…

First Inter-Faith Scout Meeting in Manchester
Members of the UK National Jewish Scout Fellowship based in Manchester…