The Nachshon Fellowship Award (criteria)
A nominee is recognized for substantial achievements on a national and international level which provide a major impetus to international Jewish Scouts and enhance the ability of the Scouting movement to achieve its overall goals.
A nominee promotes the development and maintenance of a National Scouts Organization (NSO), recognized by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) in his or her country which establishes, coordinates and maintains Scout units in synagogues, centers of the Jewish Community and other Jewish institutions.
A nominee encourages Jewish youth to join the Scouting movement.
A nominee promotes the Scouting movement to synagogues, centers of the Jewish Community, the National Jewish community and other Jewish institutions to gain their acceptance of and assistance to Scouting for Jewish youth.
A nominee assists Jewish Scout leaders, units and Scouts in discovering the international dimensions of Scouting and in connecting with Jewish Scout organizations in one or more member organizations of the IFJS.
A nominee encourages and assists Scouts in participating fully in international Scouting events, thereby enhancing their Jewish identity and unity within the Scouting movement.
A nominee is an ambassador through personal example of Jewish convictions and ideals as they relate to the international Scouting movement, to the non-Jewish and to the Jewish Scout communities.
A nominee promotes an understanding and sensitivity toward all religious movements as they relate to Scouting in order to strengthen the role that faith-based organizations play in the Scouting movement.
A nominee promotes and facilitates religious observances by Jewish Scouts during international Scouting events.
Fellowship nominations shall be made by members of the Fellowship, the Jewish Committee of an NSO that is recognized by that NSO or by a Jewish NSO. Each nomination will be on the official nomination form prescribed by the IFJS and submitted to the IFJS. All nominations shall be concurred in by at least one additional Jewish NSO or Jewish Committee of an NSO.
Supporting letters of recommendation which provide evidence of worthiness to merit entry into the Fellowship are welcome. Supporting letters are not just personal recommendations or endorsements.
The IFJS reviews all nominations and admits new Fellows. No individual may be self-nominated. Nominees are not to be informed of their nomination prior to final action on it.
Induction into the Fellowship:
Induction into the Fellowship is granted by the IFJS to those Scouters who qualify with the concurrence of their NSO. Membership in the Fellowship is confirmed by the presentation of:
– A suitable certificate of award describing the services rendered
• A Fellowship patch suitable for wearing on a Scouter’s uniform
• An enamel medal of the Lion of Judah suspended by a purple, blue and white ribbon worn around the neck.
A nominee may be formally inducted into the Fellowship at an International Forum of Jewish Scouts Court of Honor convened by the IJFS or on behalf of the IJFS by an authorized representative of the nominee’s NSO.
Responsibilities of the Fellowship:
Membership in the Fellowship is recognition of both the achievements and expertise of a Jewish Scouter in the field of national and international Scouting. Na’hshon Fellows form a cadre of experienced Jewish Scouters who provide advice and assistance to promote national and international Scouting to Jewish Scouts throughout the world.